Saturday, April 30, 2011

Being a stranger...

It’s hard to believe that I started my R + F business only 4 months or so ago. I got addicted to the regimens and don’t really pay attention on how my skin looks these days. The really good thing is that my morning “make up” routine has been shortened to a couple of minutes of applying a little bit of mascara and lipstick, that’s it. Getting rid of foundation saves a lot of time!
But strange things started to happen.
Last week I had a lunch with my old friend who didn’t see me for 4 months. She didn’t recognize me! You look so much better, she told me after I finally persuaded her that it was still me. What happened?
Yesterday at a R + F business party it happened again. The man I didn’t see for a long time (but we communicate online!) approached me and introduced himself. I started to laugh – he looked surprised. I told him my name, listened all the compliments and then, - OMG, it was funny! – he asked me the following question:
‘But you already look so good, why do you need to use these products?’