Monday, December 13, 2010

Lemons and lemonade

Life is a such an interesting thing. One day you are happy having your Big Business Launch with a lot of nice people to attend and join your business, and the next day you find yourself in the middle of a road crushing to some grayish Honda Odyssey indistinguishable from the road in the sun’s morning glow. The pieces of your beloved car are everywhere, glittering under sunrise rays. It is actually a quite enjoyable sight!
I checked myself: everything is okay. I opened the door and looked at the Odyssey’s driver: I was so happy that the driver was alive and well!
“I am so sorry it did happen!” I said, “But I am so happy you are okay!”
“I am okay,” after pause confirmed the driver, a good looking woman in her late thirties or early forties. I looked at her for the second time. She didn’t look that good. She definitely needed some moisturizer. And some AntiAge. And some Reverse. And she was under the shock, obviously.
”Before we call the insurance company,” – I said, smiling to her, “tell me if you are happy with your skin care products. Because if you don’t, I have very good news for you!”
The shock expression instantly disappeared from her face, changing to an authentic interest. The day certainly promised to be good.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

You are invited to my Big Business Launch!

Please copy and paste this link in your browser to see the invitation

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Some thoughts about karate and network marketing

Last Saturday I participated in karate test, for the first time in my life on the “other” side of it, comfortably sitting with high rank karate practitioners and checking boxes at the test papers, marking not only obvious qualities like proper stances and clean techniques, but also such ephemeral things as student’s attitude, spirit and power. It’s a strange thing, shifting from a student’s side to the teacher’s one, but it is so interesting to watch first time test takers. Kids cannot pretend. When Sensei asked a little boy with complete luck of attitude, who didn’t remember most of the techniques, why he was practicing karate, the honest kid said, “Because my dad promised to buy me a new video game if I get my next belt”. Well, he got his next belt anyway – for his dad effort, I assume. I hope it made both people – the boy and his dad – happy: both got their toys. Then there was a turn of another, even smaller boy, but he was so full of energy, so enthusiastic, so cheerful, he tried so hard to move correctly, and even if he finished his kata (kata is a prearranged shadow boxing set) in a wrong direction, he was great! “Why do you practice karate?”, asked Sansei. “Because I want to be strong, - the boy begun to answer, looking to his parents, but then waved his hand and enthusiastically finished, ”Because it’s fun!”
Here we go. The lesson this boy taught us was as simple as that: just do what you do with fun, for fun, or have fun while you doing what you have to do, and not only you would have a lot of fun, but you get great results as well!
The good thing about the karate kid with bad attitude is, that such things are still curable with small children: give this kid a new belt, a new shiny “participation” medal at his or her first tournament, and you can see a dramatic difference at a next test.
It’s different with adults. So, if you an adult, considering to join my team of outstanding R+F performers, think first of your motives and attitude. Are you the kid who just wants his video game? Or you are the kid who wants to have fun WHILE working hard (yes, it’s not a typo; one can work hard and have fun at the same time)? Seriously, all you need to have for success in network marketing, is positive attitude and a willingness to work hard to make it happen. If it sounds like you, contact me now, you are in!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

What your avatar can teach you

One especially depressing evening about a year ago, just before my birthday, three months after moving out of my lovely house to a one bedroom apartment after discovering that my husband of 28 years didn’t love me anymore, I created my avatar. Just to keep myself busy. I found an interesting website and created that smiling happy girl with long hair (if you have known me for a few years, you are aware of me always wearing short haircuts – my ex-husband didn’t like long hair and cut my hair – by himself! – every month for all these 28 years!). “You will be this happy girl sooner than you think,” I told to myself, saved the picture on my computer and forgot about it.
Today, cleaning up folders on my computer, I found this avatar. Wait a minute… I opened another folder to compare it with the picture from my son’s wedding, taken on September 25th. To make a better match, I flipped my avatar – and VoilĂ ! I couldn’t believe my eyes. Well, it just happened again: I know I need to trust my intuition; many times I proved it, and it just happened again. I AM that girl: happy, free, confident, with my new wonderful house I just bought. Well, currently my intuition tells me that my new exciting R+F business is a right thing to do. I see myself in a near future with friends – old and new, having fun while growing the business. A lot of positive energy, a lot of success stories. – Let’s go for it!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Scam or not scam? It is the question

It's nice having a teenager at home. I am talking about my 14 year old son with whom I communicate mostly via Facebook, even if he spends most of his time upstairs, in his room.
The moment I hit a "send" button on my computer, he mysteriously appears at the top of my staircases, as a Hamlet's father's ghost.
"Mom, - he started with his usual - accusing me in a complete technological ignorance - tone, - have your ever thought about a difference about Advertisement and Spam?"
"Yes, I do!" - answered I with the newly bride's confidence.
"Then you need to be aware that your posts - about your new business - are a total scam!"
"Because nobody will post three posts in one day about the business if it is not a scam!"
"Well, I don't post it three times! Just once! Or twice..."
"You better watch what you are doing, - advised my uncompromising son before shutting his bedroom door.
Well, he must be right... But you know what?
My posts are not about the R + F products, even if the products are great (and they ARE great!)
My posts are not about me, but with beautiful skin (even if is happening right now - LOL!)
It's about a teambuilding. My perfect team of highly capable people has been started to form out, and I am very excited about it! If you feel like you want to join my team, hit that green button now!

Karl Marx and adult acne

One of the reasons I started karate about eight years ago was the fact that 60 year+ ladies who were in the class had bodies of and moved like teenagers. I thought, I wanted to be like them in my sixties!
Now, many years later, being a Black Belt, I am confident I am in a good company. I am in a good shape, and even if I may not be able to kick your butt because I was told never do it (any kicks below the belt give you a penalty!), I certainly can kick your stomach or chin, and protect myself in case I need it, and my body is in much better shape than it was 10 years ago.
Not so good news about my face. Actually, this is a problem all physically active women have found at some point of their life. They still have great bodies, they are active, and feel like being in their twenties... Until they look in a mirror.
Sorry, all my fit girls out there, that's life. We suddenly have wrinkles, brown spots, uneven and dull skin, redness or lack of radiance, and - the worst one, if you ask me - adult acne. I barely can live with everything else, but adult acne definitely is too much. As Karl Marx once noticed, apparently quoting Hegel(you see, I got my education in Moscow, the Capital of the Soviet Russia; still remember all those quotes!):

History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.

That is so true about adult acne! It is a tragedy when you are a teenager, but when you are adult, it's such a farce to have it... Well, I am glad to find out there is a cure against it: R + F Unblemish. It is an improved version of Proactiv, so if you need a clear skin, give it a try!
Stay tuned! I have some more thought about Network Marketing and Martial Arts that you may find helpful...

My first experience with Reverse regimen

Last night I went out with with my new business partners and couldn't help but noticed how radiant and healthy one of them looked. She smiled and opened her secret: a week ago, she added R+F Reverse regiment to her Anti-Age routine.
A week ago?!!
After coming home from the party I was about to try Reverse, but checked my R+F website first to make sure I wouldn't do any harm to my extremely sensitive skin; Reverse is a very powerful treatment, and you need accurately follow the guidelines to get the best results.
I answered a quick online questionnaire about my skin condition (it's important to be honest! LOL) and in a few moments had a printout version of my treatment recommendations, week by week, including separate morning and evening routine. Unfortunately, I had to wait till the next morning: Reverse is a mourning only routine.
In the morning I opened the white and orange box: the products' delicious fresh grapefruit smell is a great eye-opening!
I instantly saw the difference: my skin is much brighter and looks like I applied a foundation: my brown spots faded and are not that visible. Wow! It means I have good changes to look great not just by Holiday season, but by my birthday on Dec 20st!
The set includes a special sunscreen: as Dr. Rodan and Dr. Fields said, one sunbath may ruin months of treatment.
The good news for all ladies (and gentlemen, of course!) with dark skin out there, this treatment will not change or discolor your original skin color, it works only against obnoxious spots or freckles. My skin is not pale, and I want to keep it this way!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

R + F Business System Introduction

Some thoughs about network marketing

"Don't tell me you are about to join a pyramid!" - That was a first reaction of my good friend, when I shared the exciting news about my new business. And since I've heard it so many times, I thought I need to explain a little bit the difference between pyramids and network marketing. It's actually pretty easy. I found the best explanation in a great book by Don Failla, "The 45-second presentation that will change your life". Why this book is so good? Because it's short - just 82 pages with lots of illustrations. Go to a nearest library and grab the book, if you didn't read it yet. Or, if you have no idea where your nearest library is, go to, find this book, add your zipcode and you'll see the nearest library where this book is available.
Anyway, here is the difference between legal network marketing and illegal pyramids: if it includes moving a product or service from the manufacturer or provider to the customer, it is network marketing; if a product or service doesn't move, it's not "marketing", it's a pyramid. It's easy so far, isn't it?
The second question I hear all the time is "If this product is so good, why it's not available at retail stores?" The answer is: "It is so good just because it's not available at the stores!" What does it mean? The manufacturer didn't spent any money for advertising or promoting the products, but invested all the resources into creating the great product. You figure out the math.
Network marketing becomes successful if a product or service is highly consumable, and a customer wants to use it again and again. Think of Rodan + Fields products. Do you see now why I am so excited about my new business? But that is not the only reason. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Anti-Age regimen

Today I am starting my journey to my new skin...

So, it finally happened! I am an independent consultant of the newest and already the best skin care company!!! I signed up for the Rodan + Fields Dermatologists account, just got my first amazing kit of various creams, cleansers, tonics and whatchamacallit, and am about to start transforming my skin AND make friends and money. Sounds like fun so far!
Here is my candid picture without any makeup; you can see all the wrinkles (not so many yet, thanks goodness, but quite a few!), aging spots, wide pores, post-acne marks... That's why I am so sad on this picture - LOL. I am allergic to the most makeup products; many years in the row I tried to get as much sunburn as I can to look better (you cannot see brown spots on brown skin!) but now I try to avoid the sun and use plenty of sunscreen; it is good for me, but not for my look.
I am starting anti-age regiment today, but I need all of them: Anti-Age (for wrinkles, pores and firmness), Reverse (for brown spots and sun damage), Soothe (for sensitive, red and irritated skin), and Unmblemish (for acne and post-acne marks). Anti-age just is so cool, I cannot resist to start it first. Here we go!